Importance of image quality in news
Images have a great relevance because each news item has an associated image, which is the cover of the news item, although there may be more images illustrating the news item that go inside the text.
Images are an essential part of communication. Press releases that are accompanied by attractive images are more likely to be disseminated, because they draw more attention to the newsworthy fact and help to explain it.
Each news item will require good quality images accompanied by a caption, where the content is briefly explained in one or two lines. All images must be in jpg format. The images for the carousel and for the cover of the news item must be horizontal and of a size in pixels of 2000 width x 1000 height, or multiples thereof.
It is important to avoid choosing images that have been included as figures in an article, since magazines keep the rights to these images.
If you need quality images, Silvia Cuena, from Imagen Científica, can take pictures of the research group, of a distinctive piece of equipment, of an experiment you have in progress, etc. You can contact the UCCC mail to coordinate this work.