
All our publications

*Listed are the articles found in the PubMed database.

Publications of the year 2025

Our scientists present their results in articles in international scientific journals. Before being published, these papers pass a demanding filter: peer review. This system aims to guarantee the veracity and interest of what is published. The number of publications of a centre and their impact (the number of times other authors refer to them) is an important indicator of scientific quality.

Radiotherapy resistance driven by Asparagine endopeptidase through ATR pathway modulation in breast cancer.

Morillo-Huesca, M, G López-Cepero, I, Conesa-Bakkali, R, Tomé, M, Watts, C, Huertas, P, Moreno-Bueno, G , Durán, RV, Martínez-Fábregas, J.

Platelet C3G protects from liver fibrosis, while enhancing tumor growth through regulation of the immune response.

Baquero, C, Iniesta-González, M, Palao, N, Fernández-Infante, C, Cueto-Remacha, M, Mancebo, J, de la Cámara-Fuentes, S, Rodrigo-Faus, M, Valdecantos, MP , Valverde, AM , Sequera, C, Manzano, S, Cuesta, ÁM, Gutierrez-Uzquiza, A, Bragado, P, Guerrero, C, Porras, A.

Assessment of skeletal muscle alterations and circulating myokines in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease: A cross-sectional study.

Real Martinez, Y, Fernandez-Garcia, CE, Fuertes-Yebra, E, Calvo Soto, M, Berlana, A, Barrios, V, Caldas, M, Gonzalez Moreno, L, Garcia-Buey, L, Molina Baena, B, Sampedro-Nuñez, M, Beceiro, MJ, García-Monzón, C, González-Rodríguez, Á .

Matrix mechano-sensing at the invasive front induces a cytoskeletal and transcriptional memory supporting metastasis.

Maiques, O, Sallan, MC, Laddach, R, Pandya, P, Varela, A, Crosas-Molist, E, Barcelo, J, Courbot, O, Liu, Y, Graziani, V, Arafat, Y, Sewell, J, Rodriguez-Hernandez, I, Fanshawe, B, Jung-Garcia, Y, Imbert, PR, Grasset, EM, Albrengues, J, Santacana, M, Macià, A, Tarragona, J, Matias-Guiu, X, Marti, RM, Tsoka, S, Gaggioli, C, Orgaz, JL , Fruhwirth, GO, Wallberg, F, Betteridge, K, Reyes-Aldasoro, CC, Haider, S, Braun, A, Karagiannis, SN, Elosegui-Artola, A, Sanz-Moreno, V .

Kidins220-deficient hydrocephalus mice exhibit altered glial phenotypes and AQP4 differential regulation in the retina and optic nerve, with preserved retinal ganglion cell survival.

Fernández-Albarral, JA, Simón-García, A , Salobrar-García, E, Salazar, JJ, López-Menéndez, C , Pajuelo, LSM , Matamoros, JA, de Hoz, R, López-Cuenca, I, Elvira-Hurtado, L, Sanchez-Puebla, L, Sánchez-Carralero, MP , Sanz, M, Ramírez, JM, Iglesias, T , Ramírez, AI.

Mapping T cell dynamics to molecular profiles through behavior-guided transcriptomics.

Wezenaar, AKL, Pandey, U, Keramati, F, Hernandez-Roca, M, Brazda, P, Barrera Román, M, Cleven, A, Karaiskaki, F, Aarts-Riemens, T, de Blank, S, Hernandez-Lopez, P, Heijhuurs, S, Alemany, A, Kuball, J, Sebestyen, Z, Dekkers, JF, Stunnenberg, HG, Alieva, M , Rios, AC.

Microglial reprogramming enhances antitumor immunity and immunotherapy response in melanoma brain metastases.

Rodriguez-Baena, FJ, Marquez-Galera, A, Ballesteros-Martinez, P, Castillo, A, Diaz, E, Moreno-Bueno, G , Lopez-Atalaya, JP, Sanchez-Laorden, B.

c-Rel drives pancreatic cancer metastasis through Fibronectin-Integrin signaling-induced isolation stress resistance and EMT activation.

Bakırdöğen, D, Görgülü, K, Xin, J, Alcalá, S, Ruiz-Cañas, L, Frank, K, Wu, N, Diakopoulos, KN, Dai, C, Öztürk, H, Demircioğlu, D, Peschke, K, Ranjan, R, Fusco, F, Martinez-Useros, J, Fernandez-Aceñero, MJ, Chhabra, NF, López-Gil, JC, Ai, J, Ruess, DA, Kaya-Aksoy, E, Steiger, K, Schmidt, F, Kohlmann, L, Berninger, A, Schmid, RM, Reichert, M, Adli, M, Lesina, M, Sainz, B , Algül, H.

Liver X Receptors and Inflammatory-Induced C/EBPβ Selectively Cooperate to Control CD38 Transcription.

Glaría, E, Martínez, PR, Font-Díaz, J, De la Rosa, JV, Castrillo, A , Crawshaw, DJ, Vidal Taboada, JM, Saura, J, Matalonga, J, Nunes Chini, E, Caelles, C, Valledor, AF.

Vascular HIF2 Signaling Prevents Cardiomegaly, Alveolar Congestion, and Capillary Remodeling During Chronic Hypoxia.

Albendea-Gomez, T, Mendoza-Tamajon, S, Castro-Mecinas, R, Escobar, B, Rocha, SF, Urra-Balduz, S, Nicolas-Avila, JA, Oliver, E, Villalba-Orero, M, Martin-Puig, S .

Corrigendum to "Model organisms for investigating the functional involvement of NRF2 in non-communicable diseases" [Redox Biol. 79 (2025) 103464].

Rojo, AI , Buttari, B, Cadenas, S, Carlos, AR, Cuadrado, A , Falcão, AS, López, MG, Georgiev, MI, Grochot-Przeczek, A, Gumeni, S, Jiménez-Villegas, J , Horbanczuk, JO, Konu, O, Lastres-Becker, I , Levonen, AL, Maksimova, V, Michaeloudes, C, Mihaylova, LV, Mickael, ME, Milisav, I, Miova, B, Rada, P , Santos, M, Seabra, MC, Strac, DS, Tenreiro, S, Trougakos, IP, Dinkova-Kostova, AT.

A tiered strategy to identify relevant genetic variants in familial pulmonary fibrosis: a proof of concept for the clinical practice.

Alonso-González, A, Véliz-Flores, I, Tosco-Herrera, E, González-Barbuzano, S, Mendoza-Alvarez, A, Galván-Fernández, H, Sastre, L , Fernández-Varas, B , Corrales, A, Rubio-Rodríguez, LA, Jáspez, D, Lorenzo-Salazar, JM, Molina-Molina, M, Rodríguez-de-Castro, F, González-Montelongo, R, Flores, C.

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