Scientific Communication and Culture Unit


The Scientific Communication and Culture Unit (UCCC) promotes, advises, coordinates and publicizes all the communication and outreach activities of all the staff of the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Sols-Morreale (IIBM), CSIC-UAM.

The objectives are: to make visible the research work of the IIBM members, being the spokespersons between researchers and the general public and, on the other hand, to strengthen the institutional and social image of the IIBM.

We differentiate between Communication and Outreach

  • Communication: it is about communicating a newsworthy fact related to the work of the researchers. A journalistic format similar to a press release is used, which we call news. The news is published on the web page News
  • Scientific Outreach or Scientific Culture: are initiatives aimed at the general non-specialized public, mainly students, in our commitment to provide scientific knowledge. The following are considered outreach activities: talks in schools, scientific workshops, interviews in the media, guided tours at the IIBM, games, exhibitions, blogs, videos, etc. Website of Outreach

Datos de contacto

  • Contact: Belén Peral
  • Email:
  • Phone: 91 5854370
  • X account: @IIBmCSICUAM
  • BS account: