The functions carried out by the service are:
- Basic training for users.
- Technical support and advice to researchers upon request.
- Acquisition and processing of microscopy images.
The Optical and Confocal Microscopy Unit at the IIBm is equipped with the following instruments:
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope LSM710 (Zeiss)
Microscope: inverted Observer.Z1
Objectives: Plan-APOCHROMAT (10x/0.45 DIC, 25x/0.8 Imm Korr DIC, 40x/1.3 Oil DIC, 63x/1.40 Oil DIC).
Laser lines: 405, 488, 458, 514, 561, 633.
Illumination: CoolLed p300 lite
Detectors: 3 fluorescence detectors with spectral detection and 1 transmission detector for DIC imaging.
Software: Zen 2.3 SP1.
Cell Observer (Zeiss)
Multidimensional microscopy system that comprises a completely automated fluorescence inverted microscope and an environmental control unit (temperature and CO2 concentration) for live cell microscopy.
Microscope: inverted Observer.Z1
Illumination: HXP 120C
Objectives: ACHROPLAN 4x and Plan-APOCHROMAT (10x/0.45 DIC, 20x/0.8 Oil, 40x/1.3 Oil DIC, 63x/1.40 Oil DIC).
Filter Configuration:
DAPI (Ex-365 Em-445/50), eGFP (Ex-470/40 Em-525/50), Cy 3 (Ex-550/25 Em-605/70), Cy 5 (Ex-575-625 Em-660-710).
Camera: Cascade 1K (Photometrics).
Software: Axiovision 4.8
Microscope Eclipse 90i (Nikon)
Upright Microscope fully motorized.
Illumination: CoolLed p300 white
Objectives: Plan-APOCHROMAT (4x/0.2, 20x/0.75, 40x/0.95, 60x/1.4 oil, 100x/1.4 oil) and Plan-Fluor 10x/0.3. We also have available a Plan-ACHROMAT UW 2x/0.06.
Filter Configuration:
UV-2E/C DAPI (Ex-340-380 Em-435-485), B-2E/C FITC (Ex-465-495 Em-515-550), Y-2E/C Red (Ex-540-580 Em-600-660), mCherry (Ex-537-587 Em-600-686) and Cy 5 HYQ (Ex-590-650 Em-663-738).
Cameras: Nikon monochrome (DS-Qi1Mc) and color (DS-Fi1).
Software: NIS-Elements BR 3.22
Microscope Eclipse E400 (Nikon)
Upright Microscope
Objectives: 10x/0.25, 20x/0.4, 40x/0.75, Plan-APOCHROMAT 60x/1.4 oil and Plan-Fluor 100x/1.3 oil
Filter Configuration:
DAPI (Ex-330-380 Em-420), Green (Ex-450-490 Em-520) y Red (Ex-510-560 Em-590).
Camera: DFC345FX Leica
Software: LASX Leica
Microscope Axiophot (Zeiss)
Upright Microscope
Objectives: ACHROPLAN 4x and Plan-NEOFLUAR (10x/0.3, 20x/0.5, 40x/1.3 oil, 63x/1.25 oil, 100x/1.3 oil)
Filter Configuration: DAPI (Ex-365 Em-397), green (Ex450-490 Em-520) and red (Ex546 Em-590)
Cameras: DP70 (Olympus)
Software: DP Controler (Olympus)
Inverted Microscope
Illumination: CoolLed p300 white
Objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x and 40x. PH and IMC.
Filter: Green and. red
Cameras: Nikon monochrome Ds-2MBWc (Nikon)
Software: NIS-Elements F 3.0
Microscope Axiovert 135 (Zeiss) is an inverted microscope with transmitted and reflected light, presents filters for FITC and Red. The camera attached, DP50 (Olympus), is managed by NIS Elements F. 3.0 software. The objectives are ACHROSTIGMAT (10x, 20x, 32x) from Zeiss and 40x (Nikon).
Workstation is intended for processing and analysis of the acquired images. Software available is: NIS Elements B.R. (Nikon), Image J, Zen 2009 LE (Zeiss), AxioVision LE (Zeiss), LAS AF (Leica).