Optical microscopy

Optical microscopy is a fundamental technique in biomedical research as it allows the study of cell organization and morphology, the localization of certain molecules and the dynamics of biological processes in cells and tissues.

The aim of this facility is to provide the scientific community with state-of-the-art infrastructure, the necessary technical support both in the acquisition and analysis of the images obtained, and training in the use of the equipment, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of research. Our management commitment is oriented towards continuous improvement in helping the researchers to obtain solid results.

The IIBM's optical and confocal microscopy facility (SEMOC) has the following techniques available for both fixed samples and live cells:

  • Conventional brightfield optical microscopy, interdifferential contrast (DIC) and phase contrast.
  • Wide-field optical fluorescence microscopy to analyze the localization and dynamics of molecules marked with different fluorophores.
  • Spectral confocal microscopy, which allows obtaining optical sections of samples stained with fluorescent markers using a laser light source, and is ideal for performing three-dimensional structure analysis and colocalization studies.
  • Super-resolution confocal microscopy using the STED technique that allows the study of subcellular structures in greater detail than can be achieved with a standard confocal microscope.

All the equipment is accessible both to IIBM users and to researchers from other public or private institutions. The facility has implemented a Quality Management system according to the UNE-EN ISO 9100:2015 regulation, certified by AENOR in 2009. Belongs to the Spanish Network of Advanced Optical Microscopy (REMOA).


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