Non-invasive Neurofunctional Evaluation

Regulations & Fees

1. Contact ENNI

  • To ask for information, budgets or request forms, please send the contact form, or communicate by phone or e-mail
  • For CIBERER users, you please contact by e-mail

2. Assay request

  • After the initial contact, ENNI will provide two forms: SOLICITUD DE ENSAYO (ASSAY REQUEST) and ENTRADA DE ANIMALES (ANIMAL DATA). It is a requisite to receive both forms fulfilled to proceed with the assay.

3. Animal shipment

  • Animals will be located in the Comparative Medicine facility at the IIBM.
  • Before the shipment of the animals, a valid health report has to be provided to the animal facility, which has to approve the shipment.
  • To adequate reception of the animals, we recommend to ship the animals in working days, from 8 to 15 h. 

4. Dates

  • ENNI will inform you on the estimated dates for performing the functional evaluation and for the communication of results.