Una investigación del grupo de Neurobiología de la Audición recibe el Premio FIAPAS 2017

An investigation by the Hearing Neurobiology group receives the FIAPAS 2017 Award

The Spanish Confederation of Families of Deaf People (FIAPAS) held the ceremony for the presentation of its Prize for Research in Hearing Deficiencies on Wednesday, July 5, chaired by Dolors Montserrat, Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality.

One of the two award-winning researches in the Health Category is a study conducted by researchers at the Neurobiology of Hearing Laboratory, Alberto Sols Institute of Biomedical Research CSIC-UAM, led by Prof. Isabel Varela-Nieto. The work, entitled "Evaluation of new therapies for the prevention of sensorineural hearing loss", is signed by researchers Silvia Murillo-Cuesta, Lourdes Rodríguez de la Rosa, Teresa Rivera, Fernando García-Alcántara, Lorena Sanz and Isabel Varela-Nieto. In addition, members of the Otorhinolaryngology Service of the Príncipe de Asturias University Hospital (Alcalá de Henares) have also collaborated.

FIAPAS is a national non-profit organization that is the largest platform for representing the deaf families of our country. This confederation convenes every two years the FIAPAS Research Award for Hearing Impairment. This award, which has already celebrated its XV edition this year, is organized in collaboration with the ONCE Foundation.