Ángela García Mato galardonada en el 20th FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum

Ángela García Mato galardonada en el 20th FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum

The 20th FEBS Young Scientific Forum, organized by the Federation of the European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), was held last June (15/06 – 18/06), in virtual format. This congress brought together young scientists from various fields related to Biochemistry, in order to present their latest results and enjoy workshops in an environment with high social interaction. The Prize for the Best Short Oral Presentation of this congress, chosen by popular vote of the participants, was given to Angela Garcia-Mato, a PhD student from the Neurobiology of Hearing group, of the Institute of Biomedical Research "Alberto Sols" (CSIC-UAM), led by Prof. Isabel Varela-Nieto. The talk was entitled: "IGF-1 via PI3K/AKT activation promotes survival and anabolic metabolism in HEI-OC1 auditory cells". The award was a significant discount to publish in FEBS Open Bio Journal in Open Access.