Iniciativa #CONOCÉLAS

Iniciativa #CONOCÉLAS

On the occasion of the International Day of Woman and Girl in Science, ASEICA organizes the initiative "CONÓCELAS" that will bring the cancer research of more than 200 women scientists to Primary and Secondary Schools and Universities.
Three researchers from the Department of Cancer Biology at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Alberto Sols, IIBM, (CSIC-UAM): Alicia González-Martín, Gema Moreno-Bueno and Ana Monfort Vengut will participate in the "CONÓCELAS" initiative of the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (ASEICA). These three IIBM scientists will join 220 other women researchers next February 8th to disseminate their work on cancer. The conferences will be held virtually; this will make it possible to reach thousands of students and teachers from all over Spain. All of them, students and teachers, will have the opportunity to meet women leaders in their field, dynamic and committed to science. These scientists women will explain their work and how a research laboratory works.
From Madrid to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Alicia, Gema and Ana will delight with their lectures a large number of students from different institutions.
Alicia González-Martín will give a lecture entitled: "Exploring the power of our immune system to fight cancer" to the students of the 1st year of Bachillerato at the Alonso Quesada Secondary School in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Alicia leads the group "MicroRNA regulation of immune tolerance, autoimmunity and cancer".
Gema Moreno-Bueno, in turn, will give her lecture for 3rd year students of the double degree in Biotechnology at the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid and will talk about her research career in cancer and her project focused on the characterization of new therapeutic strategies aimed at reversing resistance in cancer. Gema leads the "Translational research in breast and gynaecological cancer" group.
The students of the Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini School in Madrid will have the pleasure of listening to Ana Monfort Vengut, pre-doctoral researcher in the "Cell cycle and biomarkers in cancer" laboratory, directed by Guillermo de Cárcer. The title of Ana's talk will be "Why some drugs do not work in all patients?". Ana is investigating why some patients do not respond to cancer drugs and how this can be solved