María Teresa Macías, Head of the Radiation Protection Service at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Sols-Morreale (IIBM), will retire on September 29.
On the occasion of her retirement, after 36 years of service, María Teresa gave a lecture entitled "Development of radiological protection at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Sols-Morreale, CSIC-UAM", in the auditorium of the Center.
In her lecture, María Teresa talked about her beginnings as responsible for the organization and supervision of the radioactive facilities of the IIBM and the rest of the periods of her long dedication to the Center.

María Teresa Macías joined what is now the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Sols-Morreale in 1987 as a laboratory assistant. Two years later the Institute moved to its own building and the Radioactive Facility was organized and María Teresa obtained the position of Supervisor. She has therefore been responsible for the organization and supervision of the Institute's radioactive facilities since its beginnings. Subsequently, she was a fundamental part in the creation of the Radiological Protection Service in 2001, which included the facilities of the IIBM and the Facultad de Medicina (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). She has been, therefore, a key figure in the evolution and maintenance of the radioactive facilities of these two centers. Many of the measures adopted in this process have been pioneering and were subsequently implemented in other research centers. She has also participated in research and training, being the organizer of more than 20 courses for Radioactive Facility Operators.
In addition to the development of these functions, she has participated very actively in the organization of radioprotection in Spain, collaborating closely with the CSIC, the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear and the Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. She has been a member of the Spanish Society of Radiation Protection in which she has had a very active participation, being appointed Vice President in 2019 and President in 2021.
María Teresa has stood out for her commitment, dedication and good work in all the functions she has developed throughout this long professional career. The IIBM would like to express to María Teresa its deep gratitude and wish her the best in this new stage that begins.

María Teresa ha destacado por su entrega, dedicación y buen hacer en todas las funciones que ha desarrollado a lo largo de esta dilatada carrera profesional. El IIBM quiere expresar a María Teresa su profundo agradecimiento y desearla lo mejor en esta nueva etapa que comienza.