Professor Pilar Santisteban has received the prestigious Pinchera Prize awarded by the European Thyroid Society (ETA) at its annual congress held this year 2022 in Brussels.
The Pinchera Award values the scientific career of a researcher in the Thyroid Area. This year 2022, the appreciated award has been given to Dr. Pilar Santisteban of the Department of Cancer Biology at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols (IIBM), CSIC-UAM. The CSIC Professor was unanimously voted by the scientific committee of the European Thyroid Association (ETA). The Laudatio in her honor highlighted her brilliant scientific career, emphasizing her motivation, hard work and perseverance and pointing out her numerous seminal contributions that have contributed to a better understanding of thyroid function.

Dr. Santisteban, gave a lecture entitled "A journey through signaling, transcription and epigenetic in the thyroid" in which she highlighted her major contributions in the field of signaling, transcription and epigenetics. In addition, he recalled all his mentors. He highlighted his predoctoral beginnings at the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and the Institute of Enzymology of the current IIBM. He also highlighted his postdoctoral stage at notorious international research Institutes, the EMBL in Heidelgberg and the NIH in Bethesda, as well as his sabbatical year at Fox Chase in Philadelphia. Of course, she did not forget to mention all the researchers and technicians who have worked over the years under her direction, as well as her international collaborators. Finally, she underlined the very important support of her family in all his years of work.
From our Institute, we congratulate Pilar for this notorious international recognition, thanks to all the merits achieved during so many years of work. We also congratulate her family and her research group, those who are here and those who are gone. We are very proud that Pilar has taken the name of our Institute to the prestigious European Thyroid Association.