Guillermo de Cárcer: Madrid en Marcha contra el Cáncer

Guillermo de Cárcer promotes the “Race against cancer”

Guillermo de Cárcer Díez, director of the Department of Cancer Biology at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas 'Alberto Sols' CSIC-UAM (IIBM) participated on Thursday, March 17 in the presentation of the race "March against Cancer" organized by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), which will take place on March 27 in Madrid. At the event, Dr. Guillermo de Cárcer was accompanied by three members of his research group: Ana Monfort Vengut, Natalia Sanz Gómez and María González Álvarez (in the picture).
The event took place in the auditorium of the Madrid City Hall and was attended by numerous personalities, including the president of the AECC of Madrid, Laura Ruiz de Galarreta, the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, the councilor for sports, Sofía Miranda, as well as other politicians and prominent athletes.
A round table discussion was also held with the participation of Guillermo de Cárcer together with Eva Ciruelos Gil, from the Medical Oncology Service of the Hospital 12 de Octubre and Javier de la Hoz, skin cancer patient and sportsman. In this debate, the importance of oncological research, early diagnosis of the disease, and the value of self-care through physical exercise, good nutrition, and the practice of healthy habits were discussed. In this way it will be able to prevent the disease and reduce the side effects of cancer treatments, as well as the risk of relapse in those patients already suffering from the disease.
In his speech, Dr. Guillermo de Cárcer talked about the objectives of his research, among them, to understand the mechanisms of resistance that some patients acquire to therapeutic treatments against cancer and to implement personalized medicine for each patient. Guillermo thanked the AECC for the funding received to start his research at the IIBM. His words were "I feel infinite gratitude" and he stated that the AECC is the best entity funding oncology research in Spain.
In this link you can see the intervention of all the speakers at the presentation of this March against Cancer, including the remarks of the Mayor of Madrid to conclude the event, encouraging all the people of Madrid to participate in the race on March 27th.