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Extraordinary Lecture "Casting Off" by Professor Carlos Gancedo

An extraordinary lecture titled "Casting Off," delivered on December 18, 2020, by Professor Carlos Gancedo upon his retirement after 57 years of service. Carlos Gancedo, an ad honorem professor of CSIC, joined the research group of Alberto Sols, under whose direction he completed his doctoral thesis, in 1963.

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Detection of SARS-CoV-2 at the CSIC-UAM-FPCM Detection Unit at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Madrid

During the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, a detection unit for the virus causing the disease, SARS-CoV-2, using PCR, was launched at the Alberto Sols Biomedical Research Institute (IIBM, CSIC-UAM) in collaboration with the Madrid Science Park Foundation. Around 10,000 samples from nursing homes and disability centers in the Madrid Community were analyzed.

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Carlos Gancedo and Juana María Gancedo | JISEM Interview for SEM@foro

Interview with Dr. Carlos Gancedo and Dr. Juana María Gancedo at the Alberto Sols Biomedical Research Institute conducted by Ignacio Belda from the Young Researchers Group of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (JISEM) for the SEM@foro magazine in the June 2019 issue.

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Tribute to Gabriella Morreale, Considered One of the Founders of Modern Endocrinology in Spain

Considered one of the founders of modern endocrinology in Spain, this biochemist specialized in nutrition spent most of her professional career at the "Alberto Sols" Biomedical Research Institute, a joint center of CSIC and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM).

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The Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Sols-Morreale (IIBM), CSIC-UAM presented by CSIC in the video series Discover CSIC

"Discover CSIC" is an initiative that consists of making promotional videos about the 124 CSIC centers to introduce society the research and innovation work carried out in these centers and what is their singularity. The video about the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Sols-Morreale (IIBM) shows the research carried out by the four Research Departments, as well as the role of some Scientific and Technical Services supporting scientists. In addition, and very importantly, it briefly features the scientific excellence of two founders of the IIBM who give their name to the center: Alberto Sols and Gabriella Morreale.

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