
The purpose of this facility is to prepare biological samples for histological analysis. It includes the preparation of paraffin-embedded or OCT blocks, cutting with a microtome or cryostat and subsequent staining.

Available methods include preparation of paraffin-embedded blocks and/or histological sections with a microtome. We also offer preparation and/or cutting of frozen blocks using a cryostat. All sections can be counterstained with any of the various staining procedures available.

Histological techniques are the operations that allow the preparation of biological tissues for their observation and study under the microscope. The immunocytochemical study of tissues allows us to study their structure, and to describe the histological alterations typical of various pathologies.

The Histology Facility of the IIBm was created in 2009 with the aim of preparing samples for histological analysis. The services are offered in the Catalogue of Services of the CSIC.

These services are:

  • Preparation of paraffin-embedded blocks.
  • Preparation of microtome sections.
  • Preparation of OCT blocks.
  • Cryostat slicing.
  • Contrast and mounting of preparations.

All sections can be counterstained with any of the staining procedures available (hematoxylin/eosin, Nissl, Oil Red O). The Service can implement new staining according to the user's demand and needs.

This Facility is integrated within the INNOTEK technological platform of the Campus of Excellence UAM+CSIC, and is associated to the Histology Service of the CNB, coordinator of the platform, to offer CNB and IIBm researchers a greater processing capacity for histological samples.



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