IIBM Hearing and Myelinopathies group celebrates World Hearing Day

IIBM Hearing and Myelinopathies group celebrates World Hearing Day

World Hearing Day was celebrated on 3 March, an initiative of the World Health Organization under which hundreds of activities related to hearing health care are carried out all over the world. This year, the theme of the campaign was "Ear and Hearing Care for All: Let's make it a reality!

The Hearing and Myelinopathies group of the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols, IIBM (CSIC-UAM) together with Unit U761 of the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Rara (CIBERER), both led by CSIC Research Professor Isabel Varela-Nieto, have been involved in this initiative for several years. To commemorate this day, outreach activities are organised for the general public, which are joined by associations of deaf patients. This year we are also celebrating the fact that the CIBERER has recently been appointed a member of the World Hearing Forum, a worldwide network of stakeholders whose aim is to promote ear and hearing care throughout the world.

In this year's campaign, the activity was entitled: "Sign language: a tool for improving health care in patients with hypoacusis". This event was organised by the CIBERER in collaboration with the National Museum of Natural Sciences of the CSIC and included an interesting round table moderated by Prof. Varela-Nieto, with the participation of Dr. Luis Lassaletta (Otorhinolaryngology Service of the Paz Hospital and member of the CIBERER), Dr. Miguel Ángel Moreno-Pelayo (Genetics Service of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital and member of the CIBERER) and Dr. Miguel Ángel Moreno-Pelayo (Genetics Service of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital and member of the CIBERER). Miguel Ángel Moreno-Pelayo (Genetics Service of the Hospital Ramón y Cajal and member of the CIBERER), Ms. Mª Luz Esteban (Director of the Centre for Linguistic Normalisation of Spanish Sign Language) and Mr. David Sánchez (CNSE Foundation for the Suppression of Communication Barriers). The event was free, accessible to people with hearing disabilities and could also be followed in streaming through the Museum's youtube channel. You can watch it here.

More information on the World Hearing Day activities here, and on the World Hearing Forum here.

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