Grupos de Investigación
  Unidades de Investigación
  Memoria Cientifíca





spacerTrabajos Publicados por Mª Antonia García Espinosa
  1. García-Espinosa, M.A.; Rodrigues, T.B.; Sierra, A.; Benito, M.; Fonseca, C.; Gray, H.L.; Bartnik, B.L.; García-Martín, M.L.; Ballesteros, P.; Cerdán, S. "Cerebral glucose metabolism and the glutamine cycle as detected by in vivo and in vitro 13C NMR spectroscopy.". Neurochem. Int.. 45(2-3): 297-303. (2004). (PMID: 15145545).

  2. García-Espinosa, M.A.; García-Martín, M.L.; Cerdán, S. "Role of glial metabolism in diabetic encephalopathy as detected by high resolution 13C NMR.". NMR Biomed. 16(6-7): 440-449. (2004). (PMID: 14679506).

  3. García-Martín, M.L.; García-Espinosa, M.A.; Ballesteros, P.; Bruix, M.; Cerdán, S. "Hydrogen turnover and subcellular compartmentation of hepatic [2-(13)C]glutamate and [3-(13)C]aspartate as detected by (13)C NMR.". J. Biol. Chem.. 277(10): 7799-7807. (2002). (PMID: 11744718).

  4. Cruz, F.; Villalba, M.; García-Espinosa, M.A.; Ballesteros, P.; Bogónez, E.; Satrústegui, J.; Cerdán, S. "Intracellular compartmentation of pyruvate in primary cultures of cortical neurons as detected by (13)C NMR spectroscopy with multiple (13)C labels.". J. Neurosci. Res.. 66(5): 771-781. (2001). (PMID: 11746401).

  5. Chapa, F.; Cruz, F.; García-Martín, M.L.; García-Espinosa, M.A.; Cerdán, S. "Metabolism of (1-(13)C) glucose and (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H(3)) acetate in the neuronal and glial compartments of the adult rat brain as detected by [(13)C, (2)H] NMR spectroscopy.". Neurochem. Int.. 37(2-3): 217-228. (2000). (PMID: 10812207).

  6. Moldes, M.; Cruz, F.; García-Martín, M.; García-Espinosa, M.A.; Alvarez, J.; Cerdán, S. "Effects of heavy water on hepatic intracellular pH and phosphatidylcholine turnover. A 31P NMR study.". Cell. Mol. Biol. (Noisy-le-grand). 43(5): 731-740. (1997). (PMID: 9298595).






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