Esteve, P.; Embade, N.; Perona, R.; Jiménez, B.; del Peso, L.; León, J.; Arends, M.; Miki, T.; Lacal, J.C. "Rho-regulated signals induce apoptosis in vitro and in vivo by a p53-independent, but Bcl2 dependent pathway.". Oncogene. 17(14): 1855-1869. (1998). (PMID: 9778052).
del Peso, L.; Lucas, L.; Esteve, P.; Lacal, J.C. "Activation of phospholipase D by growth factors and oncogenes in murine fibroblasts follow alternative but cross-talking pathways.". Biochem. J.. 322 ( Pt 2)(): 519-528. (1997). (PMID: 9065772).
del Peso, L.; Hernández, R.; Esteve, P.; Lacal, J.C. "Activation of phospholipase D by ras proteins is independent of protein kinase C.". J. Cell. Biochem.. 61(4): 599-608. (1996). (PMID: 8806084).
Esteve, P.; del Peso, L.; Lacal, J.C. "Induction of apoptosis by rho in NIH 3T3 cells requires two complementary signals. Ceramides function as a progression factor for apoptosis.". Oncogene. 11(12): 2657-2665. (1995). (PMID: 8545123).
Jiménez, B.; del Peso, L.; Montaner, S.; Esteve, P.; Lacal, J.C. "Generation of phosphorylcholine as an essential event in the activation of Raf-1 and MAP-kinases in growth factors-induced mitogenic stimulation.". J. Cell. Biochem.. 57(1): 141-149. (1995). (PMID: 7721953).
Perona, R.; Esteve, P.; Jiménez, B.; Ballestero, R.P.; Ramón y Cajal, S.; Lacal, J.C. "Tumorigenic activity of rho genes from Aplysia californica.". Oncogene. 8(5): 1285-1292. (1993). (PMID: 8479750).
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